
Relax-and-Recover installation

Relax-and-Recover installation

Before Relax-and-Recover, abbreviated rear, can be installed on your Linux system you need to download it from our download page or clone it via git.

Build a rear package from the source tree

Type make help to see all the options to build a rear package from within the source tree

Relax-and-Recover make targets:

  validate        - Check source code
  install         - Install Relax-and-Recover (may replace files)
  uninstall       - Uninstall Relax-and-Recover (may remove files)
  dist            - Create tar file
  deb             - Create DEB package
  rpm             - Create RPM package
  pacman          - Create Pacman package
  obs             - Initiate OBS builds

Relax-and-Recover make variables (optional):

  DESTDIR=        - Location to install/uninstall
  OFFICIAL=       - Build an official release

As seen above you can build a rpm, deb or a pacman package from the sources. However, it is likely you will see some errors due to missing packages like asciidoc and xmlto (these are needed to build the man-page of rear). You must install the missing packages before you can successfully build the rear package.

Once the rear package has been saved in the top directory of rear source tree you may install it as any other package according rpm, deb or pacman style.

Rear dependencies before installation

As rear is written in bash you need bash as a bare minimum. Other requirements are:

mkisofs (or genisoimage)
mingetty (rear is depending on it in recovery mode)
syslinux (for i386 based systems)
nfs-utils (when using NFS to store the archives)
cifs-utils (when using SMB to store the archives)

Install rear package

A RPM package of rear can be installed as follows (on Redhat, Suse clones):

rpm -ivh rear-1.14-1.git201211211655.fc17.noarch.rpm

A Deb package of rear can be installed as follows:

dpkg -i rear*.deb

On Debian (Ubuntu) use the following command to install missing dependencies:

apt-get -f install

Remove rear package

To remove rear from your system (why should you?) on RPM based systems:

rpm -e rear

And, on debian based systems:

apt-get remove -y rear