#29 Issue closed: ROOTFS_DIR '/tmp/rear..' is broken, chroot bash test failed

Labels: waiting for info, support / question

dagwieers opened issue at 2012-03-28 19:47:

Reported by sid23 as SF#3431201 on 2011-10-31 06:22:17 PDT

Original report

Linux rl01 3.0.0-12-server #20-Ubuntu SMP Fri Oct 7 16:36:30 UTC 2011 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

ReaR V1.11.0 in a VM with Ubuntu 11.10 (Supervisor is Ubuntu 11.04 and KVM)

ERROR: BUG BUG BUG! ROOTFS_DIR '/tmp/rear.FZOsVVBdbPLqMth/rootfs' is broken, chroot bash test failed. 
Please report this as a bug to the authors of Relax & Recover


# Create ReaR rescue media as ISO image

# optionally define (non-default) backup software, e.g. TSM, NBU, DP, BACULA

dagwieers commented at 2012-03-29 12:16:

More information about this issue is in the original report at SF#3431201

dagwieers commented at 2012-04-05 18:43:

We are waiting for feedback from the original reporter in order to get this ball rolling again...

@schlomo: Is there a possibility to get in contact with the reporter using private email ?

schlomo commented at 2012-04-06 10:47:

I just went over the SF bug again. I would say close it and wait if it pops up again. I hope that we will have some Ubuntu 64bit as part of our regular test setup. Who knows, maybe he upgraded his system from something older and that caused his /lib dirs to be different.

Also, I think that now we have even smarter /lib cloning code so maybe it already fixed it for this user.

(I don't know this user and don't have private contact)

dagwieers commented at 2012-04-14 11:59:

Alright, closing this issue because we lack feedback about a recent and relevant release. If this is still an issue, please re-open this issue.

jpeschke commented at 2012-06-11 12:05:

Hi, I ran into the same issue:

root@icinga:~/rear/manual/rear-1.13.0# rear mkbackup
ERROR: BUG BUG BUG!  ROOTFS_DIR '/tmp/rear.6xGZWDET8u49JGS/rootfs' is broken, chroot
        Please report this as a bug to the authors of Relax and Recover
Aborting due to an error, check /tmp/rear-icinga.log for details
Finished in 9 seconds
You should also rm -Rf /tmp/rear.6xGZWDET8u49JGS

I ran into this error with Debian/Ubuntu Package from opensuse build service with Version 1.12 and tried the newer 1.13 Release as tar.gz (purged any debian package before). My local.conf:

MODULES_LOAD=( vmxnet )
COPY_AS_IS=(${COPY_AS_IS[@]} /usr/local/sbin/restore_localhost.sh)

running on system: Ubuntu 11.10

The bug did'nt show up on rear version 1.10 I used before; but this version didn't allow me to restore the system (as stated in some other bugreport) so I tried to upgrade.
A manual chroot to reproduce the behaviour also failed:

root@icinga:~# chroot /tmp/rear.2SahWSVBl6Oualf/rootfs/
chroot: failed to run command `/bin/bash': No such file or director

where /tmp/rear.2SahWSVBl6Oualf/rootfs/bin/bash is existing and executable

I tried also to chroot into a rear-rootfs I copied from a debian system to the ubuntu-box, that worked for fine me.

Kind regards

jpeschke commented at 2012-06-11 12:40:

played around a bit and got it working through copying some more libs explicitly into the rescue image. I extended my local.conf the following way:

COPY_AS_IS=(${COPY_AS_IS[@]} /usr/local/sbin/restore_localhost.sh /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/*

I assume there is a cleaner way to include this into rear (maybe some rule especially for Ubuntu 11.10 so that rear works out of the box.



dagwieers commented at 2012-06-11 12:54:

@jpeschke What version did you try ? We made an important change in the master branch that should have fixed the issue you see. And so we would like to know if that effectively fixes your issue as well. I would appreciate if you could test the version in the master branch. This is also the first release that can be used without requiring to install it, so you can simply do a git clone and then run ./usr/sbin/rear.

jpeschke commented at 2012-06-11 16:20:

I tried this version https://github.com/downloads/rear/rear/rear-1.13.0.tar.gz
and the debian package from here
Actually not the masterbranch, maybe I'll find the time to test it.

dagwieers commented at 2012-06-11 18:42:

The expected fix for your issue was part of issue #36. (https://github.com/rear/rear/commit/c1ef53238ee009d726d8a2da8ad4b8526393ca88)

jpeschke commented at 2012-06-18 06:50:

I can confirm, that the masterbranch fixed any issue I had with stable versions on Ubuntu 11.10; thanks a lot.

jhoekx commented at 2012-06-18 06:57:

Ok, good to hear!

Closing this again.

[Export of Github issue for rear/rear.]