#104 Issue closed: LibCopyTo fails with linked libs

Labels: support / question

kolb opened issue at 2012-06-08 08:12:

mkrescue fails with the following error:
cp: /usr/local/ibm/gsk8/lib/libgsk8cms.so' and/tmp/rear.WoQDtLpjov92Owe/rootfs/lib/libgsk8cms.so' are the same file

There is a link to library `/usr/local/ibm/gsk8/lib/libgsk8cms.so' in /usr/lib:
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 37 Jun 8 09:03 /usr/lib/libgsk8cms.so -> /usr/local/ibm/gsk8/lib/libgsk8cms.so
The link is first copied to the target and than LibCopyTo tries to copy the library from /usr/local/ibm/gsk8/lib into a link pointing to the same file.

Fix: Add -L option (follow symlinks) to cp to avoid symlinks in target. Line 133 in /usr/share/rear/lib/linux-functions.

jhoekx commented at 2012-06-08 08:15:

Which Rear version?

In trunk, we reworked library handling and removed LibCopyTo. Could you test with that please? It's runnable from checkout these days.

kolb commented at 2012-06-08 10:15:

The rear version I used: rear-1.13.0-1.fc16.noarch

The trunk version worked fine.

dagwieers commented at 2012-06-08 12:17:

@kolb I am going to close this issue since we pro-actively fixed this in the master branch. Your feedback makes it obvious we should probably release more urgently. Nevertheless we will not release until we can do automated tests on a multitude of distributions and configurations.

Thanks for your feedback and prompt reply !

[Export of Github issue for rear/rear.]