#185 Issue closed: Archie: dhcpcd cannot assign requested address in recovery mode

Labels: bug

gdha opened issue at 2013-01-07 09:50:

While booting Archie linux in recovery mode we noticed the error:

dhcpcd.sh: wrong usage
dhcpcd[162]: eth0: sendmsg: Cannot assign requested address

And then it freezes (see screendump) - no login is possible:


gdha commented at 2013-04-05 09:26:

@jhoekx you seemed to have several tests with ArchLinux lately? Did you see this issue, if not, guess we can close it.

jhoekx commented at 2013-04-05 10:18:

Never tested with DHCP...

gdha commented at 2013-09-03 11:07:

nobody complained so far. Close it. It can be re-opened if required.

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