#247 Issue closed: The REAR RPM does not require the lftp RPM as a dependency

Labels: enhancement

gituid0 opened issue at 2013-06-15 02:24:

If using the FTP protocol (et al) for ISO output, REAR will not work if YUM'd in since it will not require that the lftp RPM be installed with it. But it is required for it to work as far as I can tell.

gdha commented at 2013-06-18 07:14:

The OUTPUT_URL=ftp:// requires lftp that is correct, but it is not a core dependency for rear and therefore it is not mentioned in the rear.spec file. If it is missing, you will noticed it when it tries to ftp the ISO image (which fails).
If that is not acceptable, please write a small script in the usr/share/rear/prep/NETFS/default/ directory to check if lftp is available? We are happy to accept a pull merge!

gdha commented at 2013-06-18 14:09:

Be aware that on SLES lftp is not available as RPM. Sources can be found at http://lftp.yar.ru/get.html

dagwieers commented at 2013-06-19 18:12:

I guess we can close the issue with the latest commit !

[Export of Github issue for rear/rear.]