#269 Issue closed: Disable tar compression

Labels: support / question

lpouellet opened issue at 2013-07-04 19:46:

I have tested both rsync and default NETFS backup methods and I have had more issues with rsync. I would like to use default (tar), but I want to store my backups on datadomain with depuplication, hence the requirement to disable gzip compression. Is this something possible?

gdha commented at 2013-07-11 07:02:

The default.conf file contains the variable BACKUP_PROG_COMPRESS_OPTIONS="--gzip"
You could redefine this in the /etc/rear/local.conf file as BACKUP_PROG_COMPRESS_OPTIONS="" and give a shot again.

lpouellet commented at 2013-07-11 20:27:

Hi, I was sure I had tried that without success... But it does work, feel dumb now ;)
Thank you

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