#316 Issue closed: Centos6 / RHEL 6 Recovery / selinux issue

Labels: support / question

(unknown) opened issue at 2013-10-18 10:28:


currently testing backup / restore on Centos6 and RHEL 6 with latest rear release (1.15) It seems a recovered system wont boot if selinux still active. It complains about missing liblkid and fails to mount the root system.

As it stands the issue is caused by selinux after recovery as described here:


booting the recovered system with selinux=0 in grub works fine :)

(unknown) commented at 2013-10-18 10:51:

It also helps to have SElinux set to PERMISSIVE after the first boot with selinux=0, afterwards boot up the system and set it back to enforced, then the regular boot works again with selinux enabled after recovery.

gdha commented at 2013-10-18 11:22:

Did you redefine BACKUP_SELINUX_DISABLE=1 somehow (in /etc/rear/local.conf)? By default rear will disable selinux during backup, and creates the trigger file /selinux.autorelabel, so SELinux relabels the file systems at the first reboot (after recovery).
However, it is possible to keep SELinux enabled at backup time, but then the tar command must be aware of selinux (this is done automatically). Check for selinux in the rear.log file (of mkbackup and recover) to be sure.

(unknown) commented at 2013-10-18 11:58:

Ah here we go, no, i did not redefine the setting but the regular file backup came from a third party tool! That explains it all. Just wanted to stick something like this around in the bugtracker so people catching the same issue know how to deal with it :) Thanks!

gdha commented at 2013-10-18 13:09:

Was your backup tool already integrated within Rear? That is one of the purposes of integrating the (commercial) backup programs. We can do it for you (via sponsoring or consultancy) or you can give it a try...

gdha commented at 2013-11-04 15:44:

Is the following from you?

schlomo commented at 2013-11-04 18:50:

Hi @sepsesam and welcome!

I talked to people from your company at every conference I had a chance - about 5 to 6 years ago. I was trying to convince your company to sponsor REAR a little bit to get SEP SESAM integrated into it...

It seems to me that now you did the opposite, integrating REAR into your backup client. Is this correct? If so, it would be nice of you to link to our homepage on your documentation Wiki... We would be happy to list SESAM as a tool that ships REAR and point to your documentation page in return.

If you want to talk about deeper integration strategies or how to simplify the configuration for your users (I read the wiki, it does not look simple to me), please don't hesitate to talk to us on the mailing list or privately.

Another question: Do you offer commercial support for your fork of REAR?


(unknown) commented at 2013-11-05 09:07:

Dear Schlomo Schapiro,

Am 04.11.2013 19:50, schrieb Schlomo Schapiro:

I talked to people from your company at every conference I had a chance

  • about 5 to 6 years ago. I was trying to convince your company to
    sponsor REAR a little bit to get SEP SESAM integrated into it...

It seems to me that now you did the opposite, integrating REAR into your
backup client. Is this correct? If so, it would be nice of you to link
to our homepage on your documentation Wiki... We would be happy to list
SESAM as a tool that ships REAR and point to your documentation page in

basically we ship a slightly modified version of the REAR client with
the SEP Sesam Backup Client. The modifications have been done to
add some more components shipped within the generated REAR iso image,
like the sesam backup client itself. We have written a wrapper around
rear which allows the SEP Sesam users to backup the disaster ISO image
via SEP Sesam and have it scheduled the way they like using the sesam
graphical frontend. It is not rear sending the data to the SEP Sesam
Server but the Sesam Server requesting the data from the client. While
the file backup is done entirely by the Sesam client itself.

This way it allows our customers to use all the functions of a
sesam server (backup to disk, tape, dedublication, migration of
the savesets) without big changes to REAR itself.

How the users may use the REAR shipped with our sesam client beyond
that is up to them (Usb media, pxe boot).

We have now put the Link to your Homepage on the top of the page (before
it was at the end of the page). Of course we will mention REAR as
seperate project wherever we can!

Another question: Do you offer commercial support for your fork of REAR?

As said, at the moment the fork only contains small changes, however,
we do QA for the REAR version we ship to our customers for the
distributions we suppport and make sure to give them best possible
supoport for this version. Of course we will report bugfixes and
everything we encounter back to you guys via our github repository :-)

For further contact please get in touch via service@sep.de

Michael Ablassmeier
Senior Support Engineer

Ziegelstrasse 1
D-83629 Weyarn

Fon +49 (0) 80 20 / 180-0
Fax +49 (0) 80 20 / 180-666

Mail support@sep.de
Web http://www.sep.de

gdha commented at 2015-02-03 09:31:

@sepsesam is there any chance rear will ever contain a proper sepsesam integration? Perhaps for rear-1.18 (for rear-1.17 as we froze the feature list to get it all stable before we release it end of this month)

abbbi commented at 2015-02-03 09:42:

currently there are not plans to change the integration

gdha commented at 2015-12-11 16:41:

no need to keep this open for now

[Export of Github issue for rear/rear.]