#702 Issue closed: ReaR UEFI image fails booting if shim.efi bootloader is used

Labels: enhancement, bug, fixed / solved / done

pavoldomin opened issue at 2015-11-18 16:54:

The rear image for the system that defines shim.efi (secure boot) as an UEFI bootloader application fails to boot. The reason is, shim.efi needs also the follow-up loader.

A name of the followup loader seems to be hardcoded to be grub.efi; it seems to be a compile-time option for shim.efi. I.e. it can depend on vendor. If I get it right, a follow-up loader can be also elilo.efi (renamed to grub.efi)

A suggested patch that includes the support for shim.efi bootloader : #701. It simply copies also the grub.efi and elilo.efi (and its corresponding config files) into the boot image EFI partition.
It is tested on SLES11 SP3 system only, where (at least for me) it works completely transparently:

  1. boot rear uefi iso (ebiso tested only, but should work also with xorisso or mkisofs).
  2. rear recover.
  3. boot recovered system.

gdha commented at 2015-11-19 12:15:

@pavoldomin Thank you for the pull request - it seems correct to me.
@gozora Vlado - if you could test the latest updates as well that would make me confident nothing is broken.

gozora commented at 2015-11-19 15:06:

@gdha Certainly, will do ...

gozora commented at 2015-11-19 16:38:

I've made several tests on SLES, Centos and Ubuntu.
All looks good.

gdha commented at 2015-11-19 16:43:

@pavoldomin I'll add the label 'fixed'

pavoldomin commented at 2015-11-19 16:51:

Thanks Vlado @gozora, thanks @gdha. I am close the issue. We'll do another series of tests on our uefi san booting server next week (hopefully), this time with recent ReaR rpm from OBS, including these patches. If any problem occurs, i'd reopen the issue.

[Export of Github issue for rear/rear.]