#884 PR merged: findmnt fixes: check for FSROOT issue883 and use '-m' for 'fs' issue882

Labels: enhancement, bug, fixed / solved / done

jsmeix opened issue at 2016-06-17 11:02:

check if findmnt supports FSROOT (issue883)
and use 'findmnt -m' to make 'fs' entries (issue882)

jsmeix commented at 2016-06-17 11:26:

I merge it because it still works for me on a SLE12-SP1 system
with its default btrfs structure.

jsmeix commented at 2016-06-17 12:24:

A few days ago I had learned about a nice (or scaring?)
GitHub function that one can edit files directly via the
GitHub web interface (provided one has write permissions).

Because I only liked to enhance a comment
in 23_filesystem_layout.sh that is output
to disklayout.conf in 23_filesystem_layout.sh

echo "# Attributes cannot be determined because no executable 'lsattr' and/or 'findmnt' command(s) found."


 echo "# Attributes cannot be determined because no executable 'lsattr' and/or 'findmnt' command(s) found that supports 'FSROOT'."

I dared to do that trivial change directly via the GitHub web interface.

I am impressed how well this is implemented in GitHub.
My direct edit resulted an additional nice git commit
on top of rear master.

[Export of Github issue for rear/rear.]