#999 Issue closed: since SLES12-SP2 btrfs quota via "snapper setup-quota" is needed

Labels: enhancement, fixed / solved / done

jsmeix opened issue at 2016-09-16 08:14:

After https://github.com/rear/rear/issues/944 and https://github.com/rear/rear/issues/963 which was in the end a false-positive
I finally found (by luck) a real change from SLES12-SP1 to SP2
that actually requires an appropriate enhancement
in Relax-and-Recover:

Since SLES12-SP2 btrfs quota via "snapper setup-quota" is used
which means "snapper setup-quota" must be called
during "rear recover" if that was used in the original system.

I.e. during "rear mkbackup" I need to autodetect whether or not
btrfs quota via "snapper setup-quota" is used and if yes store that
info somehow in disklayout.conf (I assume filesystem quota info
belongs to disklayout.conf) so that "rear recover" could call
"snapper setup-quota" when needed.

Regarding how btrfs quota is used for snapper see

For the reasoning behind why btrfs quota is used for snapper see

For details probably best is to read the whole (very interesting)
"btrfs quotas enabled by default" mail thread in Sep 2016
on the opensuse-factory@opensuse.org mailing list.

jsmeix commented at 2016-09-16 08:52:

This issue is no bug in Relax-and-Recover because

missing support for newest stuff in newest Linux distribution versions
is never ever a bug (but it is an enhancement), and

current "rear recover" (without support for "snapper setup-quota")
works sufficiently well.

After current "rear recover" the admin must manually re-setup
btrfs quota for snapper in the recovered system according to
what is described under "steps for manually setup" in

How I did manual btrfs quota re-setup for snapper
in a recovered SLES12-SP2 system
(I run "yast users" only as an example to get some snapshots):

# btrfs qgroup show -p /
ERROR: can't perform the search - No such file or directory
ERROR: can't list qgroups: No such file or directory
# snapper setup-quota
Quota failure (qgroup already set).
# snapper get-config | grep QGROUP
QGROUP                 | 1/0  
# snapper set-config QGROUP=
# snapper get-config | grep QGROUP
QGROUP                 |      
# snapper setup-quota
# btrfs qgroup show -p /
qgroupid         rfer         excl parent  
--------         ----         ---- ------  
0/5          16.00KiB     16.00KiB ---     
0/278        16.00KiB     16.00KiB ---
0/279         3.15GiB      3.15GiB ---     
1/0             0.00B        0.00B ---     
# snapper list
Type   | # | Pre # | Date                          | User | Cleanup | Description           | Userdata
single | 0 |       |                               | root |         | current               |         
single | 1 |       | Fri 16 Sep 2016 10:27:55 CEST | root |         | first root filesystem |         
# yast users
# snapper list
Type   | # | Pre # | Date                          | User | Cleanup | Description           | Userdata
single | 0 |       |                               | root |         | current               |         
single | 1 |       | Fri 16 Sep 2016 10:27:55 CEST | root |         | first root filesystem |         
pre    | 2 |       | Fri 16 Sep 2016 10:33:04 CEST | root | number  | yast users            |         
post   | 3 | 2     | Fri 16 Sep 2016 10:33:10 CEST | root | number  |                       |         
# btrfs subvolume list / | grep snapshots
ID 278 gen 51 top level 257 path @/.snapshots
ID 279 gen 49 top level 278 path @/.snapshots/1/snapshot
ID 284 gen 48 top level 278 path @/.snapshots/2/snapshot
ID 285 gen 49 top level 278 path @/.snapshots/3/snapshot
# btrfs qgroup show -p /
qgroupid         rfer         excl parent  
--------         ----         ---- ------  
0/5          16.00KiB     16.00KiB ---     
0/278        16.00KiB     16.00KiB ---
0/279         3.15GiB     16.00KiB ---     
0/284         3.15GiB      3.16MiB 1/0     
0/285         3.15GiB     16.00KiB 1/0     
1/0             0.00B      3.14MiB ---     
# btrfs quota rescan /
quota rescan started
# btrfs quota rescan -s /
no rescan operation in progress
# btrfs qgroup show -p /
qgroupid         rfer         excl parent  
--------         ----         ---- ------  
0/5          16.00KiB     16.00KiB ---     
0/278        16.00KiB     16.00KiB ---
0/279         3.15GiB     16.00KiB ---     
0/284         3.15GiB      3.16MiB 1/0     
0/285         3.15GiB     16.00KiB 1/0     
1/0           3.15GiB      3.17MiB ---     

The last "btrfs qgroup show -p /" here matches that output
in http://snapper.io/2016/05/18/space-aware-cleanup.html
so that my manual btrfs quota setup for snapper looks o.k.

jsmeix commented at 2016-09-16 10:25:

I tried to automate it with
(long line shown wrapped here):

 '/usr/bin/snapper --no-dbus -r /mnt/local set-config QGROUP=
 && echo snapper set empty QGROUP succeeded
 || echo snapper set empty QGROUP failed'
 '/usr/bin/snapper --no-dbus -r /mnt/local setup-quota
 && echo snapper setup-quota succeeded
 || echo snapper setup-quota failed' )

in /etc/rear/local.conf but that does not work because

        eval "${POST_RECOVERY_SCRIPT[@]}"

instead of

    for command in "${POST_RECOVERY_SCRIPT[@]}" ; do
        eval "$command"

but after I also changed 50_post_recovery_script.sh this way
I have automated btrfs quota re-setup for snapper
during "rear recover" and in the recovered system I have now
(I run "yast users" only as an example to get some snapshots):

# btrfs qgroup show -p /
qgroupid         rfer         excl parent  
--------         ----         ---- ------  
0/5          16.00KiB     16.00KiB ---     
0/278        16.00KiB     16.00KiB ---     
0/279         3.15GiB      3.15GiB ---     
1/0             0.00B        0.00B ---     
255/260      24.00KiB     24.00KiB ---     
# yast users
# snapper list
Type   | # | Pre # | Date                          | User | Cleanup | Description           | Userdata
single | 0 |       |                               | root |         | current               |         
single | 1 |       | Fri 16 Sep 2016 11:49:56 CEST | root |         | first root filesystem |         
pre    | 2 |       | Fri 16 Sep 2016 12:12:40 CEST | root | number  | yast users            |         
post   | 3 | 2     | Fri 16 Sep 2016 12:12:47 CEST | root | number  |                       |         
# btrfs subvolume list / | grep snapshots
ID 278 gen 45 top level 257 path @/.snapshots
ID 279 gen 45 top level 278 path @/.snapshots/1/snapshot
ID 284 gen 44 top level 278 path @/.snapshots/2/snapshot
ID 285 gen 45 top level 278 path @/.snapshots/3/snapshot
# btrfs qgroup show -p /
qgroupid         rfer         excl parent  
--------         ----         ---- ------  
0/5          16.00KiB     16.00KiB ---     
0/278        16.00KiB     16.00KiB ---     
0/279         3.15GiB     16.00KiB ---     
0/284         3.15GiB      3.16MiB 1/0     
0/285         3.15GiB     16.00KiB 1/0     
1/0             0.00B      3.14MiB ---     
255/260      24.00KiB     24.00KiB ---     

All what is missing is "btrfs quota rescan /"
to get for the "1/0" btrfs qgroup the actually
right amount of "rfer" (referenced size).
I did that manually:

# btrfs quota rescan /
quota rescan started
# btrfs qgroup show -p / | grep '1/0'
1/0           3.15GiB      3.45MiB ---

jsmeix commented at 2016-09-16 12:50:

It seems "btrfs quota rescan /" does not work reliably
(or does not show reliably results):

I did one more recovery and now in the recovered system
I did several times "btrfs quota rescan /" without an effect.

After each "btrfs quota rescan /" I waited some time
but then I got several times

# btrfs qgroup show -p /
1/0             0.00B        0.00B ---

that changed after some time into

# btrfs qgroup show -p /
1/0             0.00B      3.17MiB ---

until finally it became

# btrfs quota rescan /
quota rescan started
# btrfs qgroup show -p /
1/0           3.15GiB      3.50MiB ---

Of course I had also tried "btrfs quota rescan -w /"
and "btrfs quota rescan -s /" but I never got a respose
that a rescan operation would be currently still running
(i.e. for me it seems any rescan operation was basically
immediately finished).

jsmeix commented at 2016-09-16 13:37:

To get during "rear recover" automated btrfs quota
re-setup for snapper if that is used in the original system
the following works for me in /etc/rear/local.conf
(a single long line shown wrapped here):

 '/usr/bin/snapper --no-dbus -r /mnt/local get-config
 | grep -q "^QGROUP.*1/0"
 && ( echo snapper setup-quota
   && /usr/bin/snapper --no-dbus -r /mnt/local set-config QGROUP=
   && /usr/bin/snapper --no-dbus -r /mnt/local setup-quota
   || echo snapper setup-quota failed )
 || echo snapper setup-quota not used' )

without any additional adaptions in
(and without "btrfs quota rescan" support).

jsmeix commented at 2016-09-20 11:41:

I asked our (i.e. SUSE's) snapper expert and according to him
running "snapper setup-quota" alone is sufficient to setup btrfs quota
for snapper (i.e. no additional "btrfs quota rescan /" needed).

Therefore the POST_RECOVERY_SCRIPT in the current
SLE12-SP2-btrfs-example.conf is sufficient to fix the issue.

I tested it on SLES12-SP2-RC2 with its default btrfs structure
and for me it "just works".

[Export of Github issue for rear/rear.]