#1054 Issue closed: Add an automated test that script names match the new 3-digit_ scheme

Labels: enhancement, fixed / solved / done

jsmeix opened issue at 2016-10-27 16:51:

Since https://github.com/rear/rear/pull/1053
is merged all numbered scripts must now match
the new 3-digit_ scheme because the adapted
SourceStage function in framework-functions.sh
now only works for 3-digit names.

Furthermore according to
that reads (excerpt)

numbers 01 and 99 are never used by ReaR so that
those numbers are always reserved for user scripts

ReaR 3-digit_ scripts should not be 000_* or 999_*
i.e. ReaR 3-digit_ scripts should never use the edges
of the 000..999 3-digit range so that the edges are kept
always free to be used by users for their own scripts.

Hereby I ask for an automated test that is run
for each pull request that checks that script names
with leading numbers match the 3-digit_ scheme
and that at least 000_* or 999_* are forbidden.

Perhaps we may also forbid more numbers to always
have free numbers for user scripts.

For example ReaR 3-digit_ scripts may never use
two subsequent numbers e.g. 123_this.sh and 124_that.sh
so that between each two ReaR 3-digit_ scripts there is
always at least one free number where a user can insert
his own script.

I assign it to you because I do not know
how to add automated test.

gdha commented at 2017-01-04 07:54:

@jsmeix could be a good idea to verify if everything is still working - I noticed lots of chmod actions during my last commit - I cannot remember I changed anything on the security mode level, did you?

jsmeix commented at 2017-01-04 10:51:

I did not actively change any owner/group/permission settings
of ReaR files and I am not aware that I changed something accidentally.

I think your two latest commits
broke things, see

gdha commented at 2017-01-04 10:57:

@jsmeix should be better now

jsmeix commented at 2017-01-04 11:14:

Now it looks perfectly o.k.

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