#1149 Issue closed: Better colors for the ReaR issue labels and additional labels

Labels: enhancement, fixed / solved / done

jsmeix opened issue at 2017-01-03 15:01:

From my point of view the current colors of the
ReaR issue labels at
could be a bit better so that
corresponding labels get similar colors and
for example labels which mark things as done
like "fixed" should be green i.e. the complementary
color to red for things that need to be done and so on.

Furthermore I would like to add two labels named
"external backup tool" or "third party"
for things that somehow belong to ReaR but are
no ReaR core functionality
and something like
"no ReaR issue" or "invalid"
for things that do not belong to ReaR.

what do you think about such changes?

gdha commented at 2017-01-03 15:06:

@jsmeix no problem for me - improvements are always more then welcome

jsmeix commented at 2017-01-03 16:37:

I have done the new colors mostly.
Only "support" is currently while - it should
get a color that looks promising...

gdha commented at 2017-01-04 12:42:

@jsmeix colors are fine for me

jsmeix commented at 2017-01-04 13:07:

Now we have those labels:

critical or security bug (signal red)
bug (lesser red)
minor bug (pale red)

waiting for feedback (yellow)
discuss (darker yellow)

enhancement (blue)
cleanup (lighter blue)
documentation (grayish blue)

support (pale green)

fixed/solved/done (green)
won't fix or can't fix (darker green)
no ReaR issue or invalid (dark green)

external backup tool (darker purple)

looking for sponsorship (cyan)
sponsored (dark cyan)

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