#1156 Issue closed: Create prep script for RECOVERY_UPDATE_URL required programs

Labels: enhancement, fixed / solved / done

gdha opened issue at 2017-01-06 07:25:

  • rear version (/usr/sbin/rear -V): 1.19-git
  • Brief description of the issue: RECOVERY_UPDATE_URL="http://my_internal_server/$HOSTNAME.rear_config.tgz"
  • Work-around, if any: add REQUIRED_PROGS=( "${REQUIRED_PROGS[@]}" curl ) to local.conf

I think it would be beneficial if there was a prep script which does this for you (automate as much as possible)

jsmeix commented at 2017-01-09 09:13:

Yes, I forgot to put that on my todo list.
The standard REQUIRED_PROGS (i.e. currently 'curl')
for RECOVERY_UPDATE_URL should be automated.

jsmeix commented at 2017-03-16 13:41:

According to
that reads (excerpt)

@schlomo commented
BTW, I would also not mind if ReaR would
take along curl and its SSL libraries if curl is present.
I think that curl is such a useful tool that we should
consider that (although wget is not included by default).

I think I will simply add 'curl' to the default PROGS array
because I also think that in the ReaR recovery system
there should be by default a program so that the user
can download things from remote whenever needed.

schlomo commented at 2017-03-16 14:10:

You'll probably also would want to take along the https support libs.

Thanks a lot, Schlomo

Am 16.03.2017 2:41 nachm. schrieb "Johannes Meixner" <

According to
#1229 (comment)
that reads (excerpt)

@schlomo commented
BTW, I would also not mind if ReaR would
take along curl and its SSL libraries if curl is present.
I think that curl is such a useful tool that we should
consider that (although wget is not included by default).

I think I will simply add 'curl' to the default PROGS array
because I also think that in the ReaR recovery system
there should be by default a program so that the user
can download things from remote whenever needed.

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didacog commented at 2017-03-16 14:31:

Then, The code on usr/share/rear/init/default/010_set_drlm_env.sh

PROGS=( "${PROGS[@]}" curl )

# Needed for curl (HTTPs)
COPY_AS_IS=( ${COPY_AS_IS[@]} /etc/ssl/certs/* /etc/pki/* )


Should be moved to a default place.

The code I've posted here is tested on SLES, Debian and RHEL (nss) with HTTP & HTTPS.

gdha commented at 2017-03-16 14:48:

@didacog Why were the libraries not picked up automatically? I'm pretty sure curl does not need /lib*/libsqlite3.so*

didacog commented at 2017-03-16 14:50:

@gdha in RHEL/CentOS curl is compiled with NSS support and the certs for NSS are stored in sqlite DB in /etc/pki/nss/.... I've tested hard until with all those libraries worked.

jsmeix commented at 2017-03-16 14:55:

In a ReaR recovery system made on SLES12 SP2 system
with plain 'curl' added to PROGS but without any specially
included additional libs, i.e. made with the changes in
I get

# for l in libnsspem libfreebl libnss3 libnssutil3 libsoftokn3 libsqlite3 libfreeblpriv3 libssl libnssdbm3 ; do find / | grep $l ; done


didacog commented at 2017-03-16 14:57:

In SLES and debian/ubuntu less libs are needed, but for RHEL/CentOS some are required by NSS and I've added more for SSL and also COPY_AS_IS=( ${COPY_AS_IS[@]} /etc/ssl/certs/* /etc/pki/* )

jsmeix commented at 2017-03-16 14:59:

I did
as a hopefully first step in the right direction
which works for me with plain 'curl' with plain HTTP.

I know nothing at all about whatever special
https support libs for curl so that I cannot help
in any way to get that properly implemented.

If possible I would like @didacog to implement
special https support libs for curl properly via
a separated pull request.

didacog commented at 2017-03-16 15:23:

Without SSL also are required for RHEL/CentOS (nss):


jsmeix commented at 2017-03-17 08:28:

With https://github.com/rear/rear/pull/1248 merged
I close this particular issue as "fixed/solved/done".
Further adaptions and enhancements for advanced
'curl' functionality like HTTPS support need to be done
via separated issues and separated pull requests.

didacog commented at 2017-03-22 16:58:

@gdha @jsmeix

to set default LIBS, ... for curl (SSL) the correct location is usr/share/rear/conf/GNU/Linux.conf?

In that case i will send a PR with:

# Needed for curl (HTTPs)
COPY_AS_IS=( ${COPY_AS_IS[@]} /etc/ssl/certs/* /etc/pki/* )


in usr/share/rear/conf/GNU/Linux.conf

and I will remove them from usr/share/rear/init/default/010_set_drlm_env.sh


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