#1228 Issue closed: What about 30_stop_selinux.onhold (two digit named script)?

Labels: fixed / solved / done, minor bug

jsmeix opened issue at 2017-03-09 09:41:

I found a two digit named script
and I wonder how it came into the current ReaR master.

I assign this issue to you because

git log -p --follow usr/share/rear/backup/NETFS/GNU/Linux/30_stop_selinux.onhold

shows that the script was renamed by you
from 30_stop_selinux.sh to 30_stop_selinux.onhold
in July 2011.
Currently I cannot explain why it was not renumbered.
Perhaps because its extension is not '.sh' but '.onhold'.

gdha commented at 2017-03-09 09:51:

The script backup/NETFS/GNU/Linux/310_stop_selinux.sh is a symlink to backup/RSYNC/GNU/Linux/310_stop_selinux.sh and is exactly the same script as 30_stop_selinux.onhold
We better remove it.

jsmeix commented at 2017-03-09 10:28:

many thanks for your explanation and for your fast fix!

[Export of Github issue for rear/rear.]