#1300 Issue closed: 32G recover on 256G disk -> message: size reduced to fit on disk

Labels: bug, fixed / solved / done

ProBackup-nl opened issue at 2017-04-14 16:39:

  • rear version: 2.00 git
  • OS version: Arch Linux
  • rear configuration files: NETFS USB
  • Are you using legacy BIOS or UEFI boot? UEFI
  • Brief description of the issue: Recovery on larger drive causes 1 out of 3 partitions to be reduced in size.


Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda2        20G  2.1G   18G  11% /
/dev/sda3       9.3G   17M  9.3G   1% /home
/dev/sda1      1022M   44M  979M   5% /boot


/dev/nvme0n1, 256GB, unit B: 256060514304B

Steps to recover

# rear recover
1) View disk layout (disklayout.conf)
5) Continue recovery
#? 5
Partition home on /dev/nvme0n1: size reduced to fit on disk.

Diskrestore.sh layout

unit compact

mkpart boot EFIBOOT 2M 1.07G
mkpart root root 1.07G 173.9G
mkpart home home 173.9G 256.0G

unit B

mkpart boot EFIBOOT 2097152B 1075838975B
mkpart root root 1075843072B 173924794047B
mkpart home home 173924794368B 256060497407B

home partition after = 256 - 173.9 = 82G

Disk size = 256060514304B
Home end  = 256060497407B
Result    =       +16897B

It seems that there is no size reduction at al, only an incorrectly displayed size reduction warning message in 100_include_partition_code.sh.

This is the code that triggers the "size reduced to fit on disk" message:

let start=2097152 # start after cylinder 4096*512 (for grub2 - see issue #492)
let end=0
while read part disk size pstart name flags partition junk; do
    end=$(( start + size ))
    if [[ "$device_size" ]] && (( end > $device_size ))

jsmeix commented at 2017-04-19 11:55:

Frankly and simply put:
Since a longer time I have the dim feeling the whole
partitioning calculation code needs some "cleanup".

But currently I fail to understand how the
partitioning calculation code works, cf.
and subsequent comments.
I need much more time to thoroughly look at it
but currentyl I do not have that time for ReaR.
Perhaps at the eariest in May I have again
more time to work on ReaR.

And I never really used or tested the disk migration mode.

In general I think disk migration is a bottomless (snake)-pit.

I think we should not even try to do things right like migrate
a system on a single 150 GiB traditional spinning harddisk
onto two SSDs each with 100 GiB.

But I think what must work with ReaR is to migrate
a system on a single disk onto a single bigger disk.

I think what may work with ReaR is to migrate
a system on several disks onto same-or-bigger disks like
a 100 GiB /dev/sda onto a new 100 GiB /dev/sda and
a 200 GiB /dev/sdb onto a new 300 GiB /dev/sdb

But this case could become tricky e.g. for things like
a 100 GiB /dev/sda onto a new 200 GiB /dev/sda and
a 200 GiB /dev/sdb onto a new 200 GiB /dev/sdb
or even
a 100 GiB /dev/sda onto a new 300 GiB /dev/sda and
a 200 GiB /dev/sdb onto a new 200 GiB /dev/sdb

jsmeix commented at 2017-04-21 14:16:

Hopefully I find some time during May
to have a closer look what the partitioning code
actually does - but no promises...

jsmeix commented at 2017-04-26 12:08:

I found no time to check the details
but I guess this issue here is related to
wrong partitioning calculation results on bigger disks
that meanwhile should (hopefully) be fixed
with https://github.com/rear/rear/pull/1332 merged.

Now 'bc' is used for partitioning calculations
so that now 'bc' is a mandatory tool for ReaR
('bc' is in REQUIRED_PROGS in default.conf).

I close this issue because I assume it is fixed
by https://github.com/rear/rear/pull/1332
If not, please reopen it.

ProBackup-nl commented at 2017-05-10 21:57:

@jsmeix There is not likely a math issue here, because the system hasn't got mawk on board:
which: no mawk in (/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/bin/site_perl:/usr/bin/vendor_perl:/usr/bin/core_perl) only the unaffected GNU awk is running on the source OS:

# ls -l /usr/bin/awk
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4 Nov  6  2016 /usr/bin/awk -> gawk

[Export of Github issue for rear/rear.]