#1609 Issue closed: Daemons spawned by sysinit.service die upon sysinit.service's end

Labels: fixed / solved / done, minor bug

rmetrich opened issue at 2017-11-30 08:37:

  • rear version (/usr/sbin/rear -V): 2.00
  • OS version (cat /etc/rear/os.conf or lsb_release -a): RHEL7
  • Brief description of the issue:

When OS uses systemd, the sysinit.service oneshot service executes /etc/scripts/system-setup which in turns executes /etc/scripts/system-setup.d/* scripts.
Upon these, there is dhclient and netbackup daemons.
With existing code, these daemons die upon sysinit's end.

gdha commented at 2017-11-30 09:24:

With PR #1610 merged this issue is probably fixed

jsmeix commented at 2017-11-30 16:59:

I close it because it is fixed.

[Export of Github issue for rear/rear.]