#1834 Issue closed: Which rpm to be used for RHEL5.8 with i686 arch

Labels: support / question, fixed / solved / done

nirmal21s opened issue at 2018-06-19 05:53:

I need to install REAR for Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.8 (Tikanga)
Arch is i686.
I could not find Rear rpm for this arch.
Kindly guide me on which rpm will suit.

gdha commented at 2018-06-19 06:58:

See at http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/Archiving:/Backup:/Rear/RedHat_RHEL-5/i386/ for a stable version, or http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/Archiving:/Backup:/Rear:/Snapshot/RedHat_RHEL-5/i386/ for the unstable version

jsmeix commented at 2018-06-22 07:00:

I assume with
also this issue got solved.

[Export of Github issue for rear/rear.]