#2055 PR merged: skip patching absolute symlinks during finalize stage (related to issue 1338)

Labels: enhancement, bug, cleanup, fixed / solved / done

jsmeix opened issue at 2019-02-26 14:04:

  • Type: Bug Fix Enhancement Cleanup

  • Impact: Normal

  • Reference to related issue (URL):
    skip patching absolute symlinks during finalize stage
    is only a first step towards actually fixing

  • How was this pull request tested?
    Not yet tested and not yet complete - some more commits are needed...

  • Brief description of the changes in this pull request:

All finalize scripts that patch restored files within TARGET_FS_ROOT
should do the same symlink handling which means

  1. Skip patching symlink targets that are not within TARGET_FS_ROOT
    (i.e. when it is an absolute symlink)

  2. Skip patching if the symlink target contains /proc/ /sys/ /dev/ or /run/

  3. Skip patching dead symlinks

Skip patching symlink targets that are not within TARGET_FS_ROOT
does not actually fix https://github.com/rear/rear/issues/1338
but at least it should avoid patching wrong files
so that for now this pull request before the ReaR 2.5 release
is meant only as a first step towards actually fixing

jsmeix commented at 2019-02-26 15:49:

For me on SLES12-SP4 with UEFI
things still work but that does not mean much
because most of what the finalize scripts can do
is not needed to be done on my particular system.

gozora commented at 2019-02-26 17:52:


For me on SLES12-SP4 with UEFI
things still work but that does not mean much
because most of what the finalize scripts can do
is not needed to be done on my particular system.

I can test this PR on my Arch Linux where I've observed this behavior for first time (https://github.com/rear/rear/pull/2047#issuecomment-464846777), but not sooner that tomorrow (27th Feb) afternoon ...


jsmeix commented at 2019-02-27 15:32:

With my above recent
that etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules stuff
seems to work o.k. at lest for me for the first time:

BACKUP_RESTORE_MOVE_AWAY_FILES=( /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules )

I get during finalize stage the restored
replaced by the one in the recovery system
but with

BACKUP_RESTORE_MOVE_AWAY_FILES=( /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules )

I do no longer get a etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules
created in any case in my restored system even when I do not want it
because that ReaR-created etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules
gets in conflict with what systemd/udev normally should do,
i.e. creating etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules
so that from my corrent point of view it seems
is hereby (hopefully) finally fixed.

To no longer get etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules
created by ReaR in the restored system by default we would
have to add /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules to

gozora commented at 2019-02-27 17:05:

When I was running test restore of my Arch Linux (with EFISTUB, because EFISTUB is cool :-)) I've hit something which does not feel right to me.
Since I was in migration mode (because why not ...) I was stopped by 020_confirm_finalize.sh, which prompted me:

Confirm restored config files or edit them
1) Confirm it is OK to recreate initrd and reinstall bootloader and continue 'rear recover'
2) Edit restored etc/fstab (/mnt/local/etc/fstab)
3) View restored etc/fstab (/mnt/local/etc/fstab)
4) Use Relax-and-Recover shell and return back to here
5) Abort 'rear recover'
(default '1' timeout 300 seconds)

Now I was tempted to manually update my restored fstab because it did not had right UUIDs ...
Luckily I've let the file as it was because later usr/share/rear/finalize/GNU/Linux/280_migrate_uuid_tags.sh took care of this inconsistency.

What about moving 020_confirm_finalize.sh to later stage, ideally very close before mkinird ?


jsmeix commented at 2019-02-28 09:05:

thank you so much for your careful observation.

You are absolutely right that 020_confirm_finalize.sh is too early.

When I added it via
I had only in mind to get that user dialog in any case
after the backup was restored (independent of the backup method)
so that I put that script at the beginning of the finalize stage
and not at the end of the restore stage (to be independent of the
particular restore scripts of the particular backup method), cf.
But at that time I did not have in mind that during finalize
stage ReaR changes restored files which contradicts
the whole idea behind 020_confirm_finalize.sh which is meant
to provide final power to the user to adapt restored files as he wants.

So 020_confirm_finalize.sh must be after ReaR had changed
any restored files and I need to adapt the comment in that script
to better explain what is actually meant...

jsmeix commented at 2019-02-28 11:15:

With my latest
things look (and work) so much cleaner now
in migration mode during "rear recover" (excerpts):

Restoring finished (verify backup restore log messages in /var/lib/rear/restore/recover.backup.tar.gz.726.restore.log)
Recreating directories (with permissions) from /var/lib/rear/recovery/directories_permissions_owner_group
Migrating disk-by-id mappings in certain restored files in /mnt/local to current disk-by-id mappings ...
Migrating filesystem UUIDs in certain restored files in /mnt/local to current UUIDs ...
Patching filesystem UUIDs in boot/grub2/grub.cfg to current UUIDs
Patching filesystem UUIDs in etc/sysconfig/bootloader to current UUIDs
Skip patching symlink etc/mtab target /mnt/local/proc/5199/mounts on /proc/ /sys/ /dev/ or /run/
Patching filesystem UUIDs in etc/fstab to current UUIDs
Patching filesystem UUIDs in etc/mtools.conf to current UUIDs
Patching filesystem UUIDs in etc/smartd.conf to current UUIDs
Patching filesystem UUIDs in etc/sysconfig/smartmontools to current UUIDs
Patching filesystem UUIDs in etc/security/pam_mount.conf.xml to current UUIDs
Patching filesystem UUIDs in boot/efi/EFI/sles/grub.cfg to current UUIDs
Migrating network configuration files according to the mapping files ...
UserInput -I RESTORED_FILES_CONFIRMATION needed in /usr/share/rear/finalize/default/520_confirm_finalize.sh line 41
Confirm restored config files are OK or adapt them as needed
1) Confirm it is OK to recreate initrd and reinstall bootloader and continue 'rear recover'
2) Edit restored etc/fstab (/mnt/local/etc/fstab)
3) View restored etc/fstab (/mnt/local/etc/fstab)
4) Use Relax-and-Recover shell and return back to here
5) Abort 'rear recover'
(default '1' timeout 300 seconds)
UserInput: No real user input (empty or only spaces) - using default input
UserInput: Valid choice number result 'Confirm it is OK to recreate initrd and reinstall bootloader and continue 'rear recover''
User confirmed restored files
Running mkinitrd...
Recreated initrd (/sbin/mkinitrd).
Creating  EFI Boot Manager entry 'SUSE_LINUX 12.4' for 'EFI\sles\grubx64.efi' (UEFI_BOOTLOADER='/boot/efi/EFI/sles/grubx64.efi')
Finished recovering your system. You can explore it under '/mnt/local'.

I used a somewhat sophisticated command to launch "rear recover"
with automated [Enter] responses (via plain 'echo') to all user dialogs, cf.
"It should be possible to run ReaR unattended" at
plus having the output on the terminal also saved in a file 'rear_recover.out'
plus keeping my bash prompt by running all in the background in a subshell

# ( exec 0< <( while true ; do echo ; sleep 1 ; done ) ; rear -D recover | tee -a rear_recover.out ) &

because that 'while' loop (and the 'tee') run endlessly so that I won't be able
to just type reboot after 'rear recover' finished if it was not run in the background
(before the reboot I used scp to get 'rear_recover.out' out of the recovery system).

jsmeix commented at 2019-02-28 11:17:

If there are no objections I would like to merge it today afternoon.

jsmeix commented at 2019-02-28 13:30:

At least my browser shows here below

Some checks haven’t completed yet
1 pending check
continuous-integration/travis-ci/pr Pending — The Travis CI build is in progress [Details]

but the [Details] link
shows (excerpts)

#2017 passed
    Ran for 40 sec
    about 3 hours ago

The command "make validate" exited with 0.
Done. Your build exited with 0.

so that I think actually all is o.k. and I can merge it now...

[Export of Github issue for rear/rear.]