#2220 Issue closed: bash internal overflow because element zero of CLONE_USERS array is "", resulting in rear doing 'getent passwd' following by 'getent group' for all GIDs

Labels: bug, fixed / solved / done

pcahyna opened issue at 2019-08-29 18:07:

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jsmeix commented at 2019-08-30 13:59:

thank you so much for your careful analysis of the underlying root cause
and for your explanatory and comprehensive description.

Offhandedly I think this is just one more example that shows
why 'set -eu' looks good in theory but does not work well in practice.

What does in particular not work in practice (with reasonable effort)
is 'set -u'.

I experienced that yesterday with a privately made and used bash script.
While 'set -e' can be quite useful in practice at places where one must not
blindly proceeed with the next command unless the current command succeeded
(the best example for that in ReaR is the diskrestore.sh script),
I think 'set -u' is only useful while one is making and testing a script
because it helps to detect misspelled variable names (for example
as in counter=conuter+1) but from my experience 'set -u' as a general setting
while scripts are run does more harm than good.

So my current conclusion is to revert those things (in particular the dummy
array elements) that I had added to make the code work with 'set -u'
because those added stuff breakes other code at other places.

Furthermore the ReaR code is meant to be adapted and enhanced as needed
by the user which means our scripts should be as much as possible in compliance
with "the usual way" how a normal bash script is made nowadays in practice
to avoid unexpected behaviour for the user when he changed a script.

By the way a related side note:
Our global shopt -s nullglob setting in usr/sbin/rear
is another example where ReaR scripts do not behave as usually expected:
Have "fun" with code like grep something my*files
when nothing matches my*files ;-)

pcahyna commented at 2019-08-30 14:47:

@jsmeix the analysis of the particular problem was actually done by @hartsjc - thanks! I did only the analysis of the root cause, related issues and possible fixes.

jsmeix commented at 2019-08-30 15:50:

regarding your

... set -ue in general (even bash 4) is apparently broken
without anybody noticing:

Currently only the 'help' workflow should work with 'set -ue'
all other workflows do not yet work with 'set -ue', cf.
and in

I fixed all what fails because of 'set -ue -o pipefail'
for the "help" workflow as a very first step into that direction.

Since that time nothing more was done, because it is questionable
if it is worth the effort to make the code ready for 'set -eu',
see also the later comments in

jsmeix commented at 2019-09-03 14:18:

What needs to be fixed in any case in
is the above mentioned

The most basic fix is to compensate for the fake empty element:

for user in "${CLONE_USERS[@]}" ; do
    [[ -z ${user:-} ]] && continue

because CLONE_USERS and CLONE_GROUPS are user config variables
and things need to still work if the user had set (by accident) an array element
that is empty or only blanks
cf. https://github.com/rear/rear/commit/c19647fcd95f0c3f4020f39f5fad428e8359ec92#r32912521

jsmeix commented at 2019-09-03 14:27:

With https://github.com/rear/rear/commit/36cf20e2d8bc136b334c2a70460b645afb770a24
I skip empty user and group values (in a simple but not save for set -u way).

jsmeix commented at 2019-09-03 14:41:

many thanks for your laborious analysis of the issue!

I think I will add a new section

Beware of the emptiness!

to https://github.com/rear/rear/wiki/Coding-Style
because so many tools behave very different if run with empty argument
for example
grep something $some_file when $some_file is empty or only blanks
STDIN is used which lets rear hang up in practice because
the user won't provide input
ls $some_dir when $some_dir is empty or only blanks which
lists the current working directory (cf. above shopt -s nullglob)
which is in practice always wrong because if one wants to list
the current working directory one would not use $some_dir
and so on...

pcahyna commented at 2019-09-03 19:11:

What needs to be fixed in any case in
is the above mentioned

The most basic fix is to compensate for the fake empty element:

for user in "${CLONE_USERS[@]}" ; do
    [[ -z ${user:-} ]] && continue

because CLONE_USERS and CLONE_GROUPS are user config variables
and things need to still work if the user had set (by accident) an array element
that is empty or only blanks
cf. c19647f#r32912521

I would not say it is a good idea to clutter the code with such tests for things that user might do wrong with variables. What if users accidentally sets it to "-h" or "-V" for example, I doubt that "getent" will work as expected in this case. If this is really a concern, I rather propose a shared function to validate arrays.
I will send a PR for appending using +=, which is IMO the preferable way, as it is simple yet clean (and does not interfere with your fix). PR #2223

hartsjc commented at 2019-09-03 20:16:

many thanks for your laborious analysis of the issue!

Glad to be of help.

jsmeix commented at 2019-09-03 20:38:

I think there is a practical difference between when the user sets
a non-empty wrong value where it is visible that this cannot work
e.g. the value $( rm -rf * ) ;-)
compared to an empty or empty looking value where one may
assume that what one cannot see cannot have a (bad) effect,
so I think "beware of the emptiness" is reasonable and helpful
in practice while it would be over the top if we tried to make ReaR
safe against any possible nonsense values.

jsmeix commented at 2019-09-05 12:36:

Via https://github.com/rear/rear/commit/b8b7e466ed85891eff67e6653fb2239f41655f82
I replaced in the comments in default.conf
ARRAY=( "${ARRAY[@]}" additional elements)
with the simpler and more fail safe
ARRAY+=( additional elements )
according to https://github.com/rear/rear/issues/2220#issue-487102052

I've verified that += works properly even in bash 3 and set -ue

jsmeix commented at 2019-09-05 12:49:

do you think it would be a good idea to replace
ARRAY=( "${ARRAY[@]}" additional elements )
ARRAY+=( additional elements )
everywhere in the ReaR code?

I did a quick find . | xargs grep '=(.*[@]' in ReaR master code
which indicates there are more than 400 places where we use
ARRAY=( "${ARRAY[@]}" additional elements )

pcahyna commented at 2019-09-05 14:56:

@jsmeix yes, I don't see a reason why not to append using +=, do you know why it has not been used in ReaR?

pcahyna commented at 2019-09-05 15:05:

I think I will add a new section

Beware of the emptiness!

to https://github.com/rear/rear/wiki/Coding-Style
because so many tools behave very different if run with empty argument
for example
grep something $some_file when $some_file is empty or only blanks
STDIN is used which lets rear hang up in practice because
the user won't provide input
ls $some_dir when $some_dir is empty or only blanks which
lists the current working directory (cf. above shopt -s nullglob)
which is in practice always wrong because if one wants to list
the current working directory one would not use $some_dir
and so on...

grep something "$some_file" and ls "$some_dir" behave properly, i.e. fail. Empty parameter is not the same as a missing parameter, which indeed often has a special meaning. The problem with bash that it makes way too easy to treat undefined variables as missing values, instead of as empty values. One more reason to quote variable expansion properly (one should do it anyway because of blanks in values etc.). I think it is therefore more productive to focus on quoting parameter expansion rather than on inserting more and more code to guard against empty or blank values.

jsmeix commented at 2019-09-10 13:25:

I do not know why += was not used in ReaR.
I guess perhaps because at the time when ReaR started
+= might have been not yet supported in bash?

I would very much appreciate it if you could find an automated command
(e.g. via sed or whatever tool you like) that replaces

ARRAY=( "${ARRAY[@]}" additional elements )


ARRAY+=( additional elements )

everywhere in the ReaR code without changing "false positives"
i.e. without creating regressions.

You are right that proper quoting is mandatory for fail safe code
but in practice ... :-(

an example where I intentionally do not quote:

# Ensure $foo is a single non empty and non blank word
# (no quoting because test " " returns zero exit code):
test $foo ...

Perhaps there is a better way to do that?

pcahyna commented at 2020-05-25 12:58:

Our global shopt -s nullglob setting in usr/sbin/rear
is another example where ReaR scripts do not behave as usually expected:
Have "fun" with code like grep something my*files
when nothing matches my*files ;-)

@jsmeix Would it work to use shopt -s failglob instead of shopt -s nullglob ?

jsmeix commented at 2020-05-26 06:14:

I think in practice (i.e. with reasonable effort)
we cannot change our global bash globbing settings
because we cannot know at which places in all of the scripts
the nullglob behaviour is required to make things work
because usually there are no comments or other signs
how we could detect places that need nullglob.

An example how nullglob behaviour lets things work as intened
while failglob would let things completely fail in a bad way:

# ( shopt -s nullglob ; set -x ; tar -cvf /tmp/testy.tar /etc/issue /optional/stuff* /etc/fstab && echo OK || echo Error $? )

+ tar -cvf /tmp/testy.tar /etc/issue /etc/fstab
tar: Removing leading `/' from member names
tar: Removing leading `/' from hard link targets
+ echo OK

where nullglob gracefully skips non-existent optional files

# ( shopt -s failglob ; set -x ; tar -cvf /tmp/testy.tar /etc/issue /optional/stuff* /etc/fstab && echo OK || echo Error $? )

-bash: no match: /optional/stuff*

where the whole command is not at all executed.

But how could one autodetect pieces of code like

tar -cvf /tmp/testy.tar /etc/issue /optional/stuff* /etc/fstab && echo OK || echo Error $?

that require nullglob behaviour ?

Searching for any bash globbing patterns in the code would be possible
but I fear there are way too many places where bash globbing patterns
are used in the code so I think in practice (i.e. with reasonable effort)
we cannot change our global bash globbing settings.

[Export of Github issue for rear/rear.]