#2245 Issue closed: Use is_true() and is_false() for AUTOEXCLUDE_MULTIPATH

Labels: cleanup, fixed / solved / done

jsmeix opened issue at 2019-10-04 07:18:

In https://github.com/rear/rear/issues/2243#issue-500576450
I noticed


and was wondering if that works or if AUTOEXCLUDE_MULTIPATH
is perhaps an old-style boolean variable, cf.

I found

# find usr/share/rear | xargs grep 'AUTOEXCLUDE_MULTIPATH'

usr/share/rear/lib/layout-functions.sh:    if [[ -n "$res" || "$AUTOEXCLUDE_MULTIPATH" =~ ^[yY1] ]]; then
usr/share/rear/layout/save/default/335_remove_excluded_multipath_vgs.sh:# If AUTOEXCLUDE_MULTIPATH=n is used in combination with ONLY_INCLUDE_VG or
usr/share/rear/layout/save/default/335_remove_excluded_multipath_vgs.sh:if is_true $AUTOEXCLUDE_MULTIPATH ; then
usr/share/rear/layout/save/default/320_autoexclude.sh:if [[ "$AUTOEXCLUDE_MULTIPATH" =~ ^[yY1] ]] ; then

so that AUTOEXCLUDE_MULTIPATH=n should work but
nowadays is_true() and is_false() should be used consistently.

jsmeix commented at 2019-10-24 08:18:

With https://github.com/rear/rear/pull/2260 merged
this issue should be fixed.

But I could not test it because I do not use multipath.
I would appreciate it if ReaR users who use multipath
could test it as long as ReaR 2.6 is still under development
and report if there are regressions so that I can fix them,
preferably each one as a new and separated GitHub issue.

[Export of Github issue for rear/rear.]