#2718 Issue closed: Insecure default NETFS encryption method BACKUP_PROG_[DE]CRYPT_OPTIONS="... des3 ..."

Labels: enhancement, no-issue-activity

therealjeybe opened issue at 2021-11-20 13:08:

  • ReaR version ("/usr/sbin/rear -V"): 2.6 / 2020-06-17

  • OS version ("cat /etc/os-release"): Fedora Linux, Version 35

  • ReaR configuration files ("cat /etc/rear/site.conf" and/or "cat /etc/rear/local.conf"): Default shipped with OS

  • Description of the issue:
    ReaR uses Triple-DES as default for encryption/decryption of NETFS tar backups [1]. Triple-DES is deprecated and shouldn't be used without a specific reason to do so, and even if it's used it should only be used in carefully applied settings and scenarios. AES should be seen as more secure successor and used instead of Triple-DES wherever possible. This is described by the German federal agency of security in information technology (in german), by the NIST [1] [2] and also by OpenSSL.
    This is a problem as I don't see a reason to use a weak data encryption in this case. Many other backup solutions / methods (even those integrated with ReaR) prove, that it's possible to use a modern, up-to-date encryption method (Borg Backup, restic [1] [2]).

  • Workaround, if any: Use a custom encryption/decryption command or do not use NETFS as backup method.

  • Solution: Use a appropriate encryption method by default.

jsmeix commented at 2021-11-22 11:49:

In ReaR we try to keep things backward compatible
as far as possible with reasonable effort.

Our release notes show currently at

ReaR-2.6 is supported on the following Linux based operating systems:
  o Fedora 29, 30, 31, and 32
  o RHEL 6, 7, and 8
  o CentOS 6, 7, and 8
  o Scientific Linux 6 and 7
  o SLES 12 and 15
  o openSUSE Leap 15.x
  o Debian 8, and 9
  o Ubuntu 16, 17, and 18
ReaR-2.6 may still work for SLES 11 and openSUSE Leap 42.x or even
earlier openSUSE versions but it is no longer sufficiently well tested there
so arbitrary regressions could appear.

Here what openssl ciphers are documented as supported
for those Linux distributions that I have available as virtual machines:

"man openssl" reads (excerpt)


  Base64 Encoding

bf bf-cbc bf-cfb bf-ecb bf-ofb
  Blowfish Cipher

cast cast-cbc
  CAST Cipher

cast5-cbc cast5-cfb cast5-ecb cast5-ofb
  CAST5 Cipher

des des-cbc des-cfb des-ecb des-ede des-ede-cbc des-ede-cfb des-ede-ofb des-ofb
  DES Cipher

des3 desx des-ede3 des-ede3-cbc des-ede3-cfb des-ede3-ofb
  Triple-DES Cipher

idea idea-cbc idea-cfb idea-ecb idea-ofb
  IDEA Cipher

rc2 rc2-cbc rc2-cfb rc2-ecb rc2-ofb
  RC2 Cipher

  RC4 Cipher

rc5 rc5-cbc rc5-cfb rc5-ecb rc5-ofb
  RC5 Cipher

and "man enc" reads (excerpt)

        base64             Base 64

        bf-cbc             Blowfish in CBC mode
        bf                 Alias for bf-cbc
        bf-cfb             Blowfish in CFB mode
        bf-ecb             Blowfish in ECB mode
        bf-ofb             Blowfish in OFB mode

        cast-cbc           CAST in CBC mode
        cast               Alias for cast-cbc
        cast5-cbc          CAST5 in CBC mode
        cast5-cfb          CAST5 in CFB mode
        cast5-ecb          CAST5 in ECB mode
        cast5-ofb          CAST5 in OFB mode

        des-cbc            DES in CBC mode
        des                Alias for des-cbc
        des-cfb            DES in CBC mode
        des-ofb            DES in OFB mode
        des-ecb            DES in ECB mode

        des-ede-cbc        Two key triple DES EDE in CBC mode
        des-ede            Two key triple DES EDE in ECB mode
        des-ede-cfb        Two key triple DES EDE in CFB mode
        des-ede-ofb        Two key triple DES EDE in OFB mode

        des-ede3-cbc       Three key triple DES EDE in CBC mode
        des-ede3           Three key triple DES EDE in ECB mode
        des3               Alias for des-ede3-cbc
        des-ede3-cfb       Three key triple DES EDE CFB mode
        des-ede3-ofb       Three key triple DES EDE in OFB mode

        desx               DESX algorithm.

        idea-cbc           IDEA algorithm in CBC mode
        idea               same as idea-cbc
        idea-cfb           IDEA in CFB mode
        idea-ecb           IDEA in ECB mode
        idea-ofb           IDEA in OFB mode

        rc2-cbc            128 bit RC2 in CBC mode
        rc2                Alias for rc2-cbc
        rc2-cfb            128 bit RC2 in CFB mode
        rc2-ecb            128 bit RC2 in ECB mode
        rc2-ofb            128 bit RC2 in OFB mode
        rc2-64-cbc         64 bit RC2 in CBC mode
        rc2-40-cbc         40 bit RC2 in CBC mode

        rc4                128 bit RC4
        rc4-64             64 bit RC4
        rc4-40             40 bit RC4

        rc5-cbc            RC5 cipher in CBC mode
        rc5                Alias for rc5-cbc
        rc5-cfb            RC5 cipher in CFB mode
        rc5-ecb            RC5 cipher in ECB mode
        rc5-ofb            RC5 cipher in OFB mode

"man openssl" reads (excerpt)


  Base64 Encoding

bf bf-cbc bf-cfb bf-ecb bf-ofb
  Blowfish Cipher

cast cast-cbc
  CAST Cipher

cast5-cbc cast5-cfb cast5-ecb cast5-ofb
  CAST5 Cipher

des des-cbc des-cfb des-ecb des-ede des-ede-cbc des-ede-cfb des-ede-ofb des-ofb
  DES Cipher

des3 desx des-ede3 des-ede3-cbc des-ede3-cfb des-ede3-ofb
  Triple-DES Cipher

idea idea-cbc idea-cfb idea-ecb idea-ofb
  IDEA Cipher

rc2 rc2-cbc rc2-cfb rc2-ecb rc2-ofb
  RC2 Cipher

  RC4 Cipher

rc5 rc5-cbc rc5-cfb rc5-ecb rc5-ofb
 RC5 Cipher

and "man enc" reads (excerpt)

        base64             Base 64

        bf-cbc             Blowfish in CBC mode
        bf                 Alias for bf-cbc
        bf-cfb             Blowfish in CFB mode
        bf-ecb             Blowfish in ECB mode
        bf-ofb             Blowfish in OFB mode

        cast-cbc           CAST in CBC mode
        cast               Alias for cast-cbc
        cast5-cbc          CAST5 in CBC mode
        cast5-cfb          CAST5 in CFB mode
        cast5-ecb          CAST5 in ECB mode
        cast5-ofb          CAST5 in OFB mode

        des-cbc            DES in CBC mode
        des                Alias for des-cbc
        des-cfb            DES in CBC mode
        des-ofb            DES in OFB mode
        des-ecb            DES in ECB mode

        des-ede-cbc        Two key triple DES EDE in CBC mode
        des-ede            Two key triple DES EDE in ECB mode
        des-ede-cfb        Two key triple DES EDE in CFB mode
        des-ede-ofb        Two key triple DES EDE in OFB mode

        des-ede3-cbc       Three key triple DES EDE in CBC mode
        des-ede3           Three key triple DES EDE in ECB mode
        des3               Alias for des-ede3-cbc
        des-ede3-cfb       Three key triple DES EDE CFB mode
        des-ede3-ofb       Three key triple DES EDE in OFB mode

        desx               DESX algorithm.

        idea-cbc           IDEA algorithm in CBC mode
        idea               same as idea-cbc
        idea-cfb           IDEA in CFB mode
        idea-ecb           IDEA in ECB mode
        idea-ofb           IDEA in OFB mode

        rc2-cbc            128 bit RC2 in CBC mode
        rc2                Alias for rc2-cbc
        rc2-cfb            128 bit RC2 in CFB mode
        rc2-ecb            128 bit RC2 in ECB mode
        rc2-ofb            128 bit RC2 in OFB mode
        rc2-64-cbc         64 bit RC2 in CBC mode
        rc2-40-cbc         40 bit RC2 in CBC mode

        rc4                128 bit RC4
        rc4-64             64 bit RC4
        rc4-40             40 bit RC4

        rc5-cbc            RC5 cipher in CBC mode
        rc5                Alias for rc5-cbc
        rc5-cfb            RC5 cipher in CFB mode
        rc5-ecb            RC5 cipher in ECB mode
        rc5-ofb            RC5 cipher in OFB mode

        aes-[128|192|256]-cbc  128/192/256 bit AES in CBC mode
        aes-[128|192|256]      Alias for aes-[128|192|256]-cbc
        aes-[128|192|256]-cfb  128/192/256 bit AES in 128 bit CFB mode
        aes-[128|192|256]-cfb1 128/192/256 bit AES in 1 bit CFB mode
        aes-[128|192|256]-cfb8 128/192/256 bit AES in 8 bit CFB mode
        aes-[128|192|256]-ecb  128/192/256 bit AES in ECB mode
        aes-[128|192|256]-ofb  128/192/256 bit AES in OFB mode

"man openssl" reads (excerpt)


  Base64 Encoding

bf bf-cbc bf-cfb bf-ecb bf-ofb
  Blowfish Cipher

cast cast-cbc
  CAST Cipher

cast5-cbc cast5-cfb cast5-ecb cast5-ofb
  CAST5 Cipher

des des-cbc des-cfb des-ecb des-ede des-ede-cbc des-ede-cfb des-ede-ofb des-ofb
  DES Cipher

des3 desx des-ede3 des-ede3-cbc des-ede3-cfb des-ede3-ofb
  Triple-DES Cipher

idea idea-cbc idea-cfb idea-ecb idea-ofb
  IDEA Cipher

rc2 rc2-cbc rc2-cfb rc2-ecb rc2-ofb
  RC2 Cipher

  RC4 Cipher

rc5 rc5-cbc rc5-cfb rc5-ecb rc5-ofb
  RC5 Cipher

and "man enc" reads (excerpt)


Note that some of these ciphers can be disabled at compile time
and some are available only if an appropriate engine is configured
in the configuration file. The output of the enc command run with
unsupported options (for example openssl enc -help) includes
a list of ciphers, supported by your versesion of OpenSSL,
including ones provided by configured engines.

The enc program does not support authenticated encryption modes
like CCM and GCM. The utility does not store or retrieve the authentication tag.

        base64             Base 64

        bf-cbc             Blowfish in CBC mode
        bf                 Alias for bf-cbc
        bf-cfb             Blowfish in CFB mode
        bf-ecb             Blowfish in ECB mode
        bf-ofb             Blowfish in OFB mode

        cast-cbc           CAST in CBC mode
        cast               Alias for cast-cbc
        cast5-cbc          CAST5 in CBC mode
        cast5-cfb          CAST5 in CFB mode
        cast5-ecb          CAST5 in ECB mode
        cast5-ofb          CAST5 in OFB mode

        des-cbc            DES in CBC mode
        des                Alias for des-cbc
        des-cfb            DES in CBC mode
        des-ofb            DES in OFB mode
        des-ecb            DES in ECB mode

        des-ede-cbc        Two key triple DES EDE in CBC mode
        des-ede            Two key triple DES EDE in ECB mode
        des-ede-cfb        Two key triple DES EDE in CFB mode
        des-ede-ofb        Two key triple DES EDE in OFB mode

        des-ede3-cbc       Three key triple DES EDE in CBC mode
        des-ede3           Three key triple DES EDE in ECB mode
        des3               Alias for des-ede3-cbc
        des-ede3-cfb       Three key triple DES EDE CFB mode
        des-ede3-ofb       Three key triple DES EDE in OFB mode

        desx               DESX algorithm.

        gost89             GOST 28147-89 in CFB mode (provided by ccgost engine)
        gost89-cnt        `GOST 28147-89 in CNT mode (provided by ccgost engine)

        idea-cbc           IDEA algorithm in CBC mode
        idea               same as idea-cbc
        idea-cfb           IDEA in CFB mode
        idea-ecb           IDEA in ECB mode
        idea-ofb           IDEA in OFB mode

        rc2-cbc            128 bit RC2 in CBC mode
        rc2                Alias for rc2-cbc
        rc2-cfb            128 bit RC2 in CFB mode
        rc2-ecb            128 bit RC2 in ECB mode
        rc2-ofb            128 bit RC2 in OFB mode
        rc2-64-cbc         64 bit RC2 in CBC mode
        rc2-40-cbc         40 bit RC2 in CBC mode

        rc4                128 bit RC4
        rc4-64             64 bit RC4
        rc4-40             40 bit RC4

        rc5-cbc            RC5 cipher in CBC mode
        rc5                Alias for rc5-cbc
        rc5-cfb            RC5 cipher in CFB mode
        rc5-ecb            RC5 cipher in ECB mode
        rc5-ofb            RC5 cipher in OFB mode

        aes-[128|192|256]-cbc  128/192/256 bit AES in CBC mode
        aes-[128|192|256]      Alias for aes-[128|192|256]-cbc
        aes-[128|192|256]-cfb  128/192/256 bit AES in 128 bit CFB mode
        aes-[128|192|256]-cfb1 128/192/256 bit AES in 1 bit CFB mode
        aes-[128|192|256]-cfb8 128/192/256 bit AES in 8 bit CFB mode
        aes-[128|192|256]-ecb  128/192/256 bit AES in ECB mode
        aes-[128|192|256]-ofb  128/192/256 bit AES in OFB mode

and "openssl enc -help" shows (excerpt)

Cipher Types
-aes-128-cbc               -aes-128-ccm               -aes-128-cfb              
-aes-128-cfb1              -aes-128-cfb8              -aes-128-ctr              
-aes-128-ecb               -aes-128-ofb               -aes-192-cbc              
-aes-192-ccm               -aes-192-cfb               -aes-192-cfb1             
-aes-192-cfb8              -aes-192-ctr               -aes-192-ecb              
-aes-192-ofb               -aes-256-cbc               -aes-256-ccm              
-aes-256-cfb               -aes-256-cfb1              -aes-256-cfb8             
-aes-256-ctr               -aes-256-ecb               -aes-256-ofb              
-aes128                    -aes192                    -aes256                   
-bf                        -bf-cbc                    -bf-cfb                   
-bf-ecb                    -bf-ofb                    -blowfish                 
-camellia-128-cbc          -camellia-128-cfb          -camellia-128-cfb1        
-camellia-128-cfb8         -camellia-128-ecb          -camellia-128-ofb         
-camellia-192-cbc          -camellia-192-cfb          -camellia-192-cfb1        
-camellia-192-cfb8         -camellia-192-ecb          -camellia-192-ofb         
-camellia-256-cbc          -camellia-256-cfb          -camellia-256-cfb1        
-camellia-256-cfb8         -camellia-256-ecb          -camellia-256-ofb         
-camellia128               -camellia192               -camellia256              
-cast                      -cast-cbc                  -cast5-cbc                
-cast5-cfb                 -cast5-ecb                 -cast5-ofb                
-des                       -des-cbc                   -des-cfb                  
-des-cfb1                  -des-cfb8                  -des-ecb                  
-des-ede                   -des-ede-cbc               -des-ede-cfb              
-des-ede-ofb               -des-ede3                  -des-ede3-cbc             
-des-ede3-cfb              -des-ede3-cfb1             -des-ede3-cfb8            
-des-ede3-ofb              -des-ofb                   -des3                     
-desx                      -desx-cbc                  -id-aes128-CCM            
-id-aes128-wrap            -id-aes192-CCM             -id-aes192-wrap           
-id-aes256-CCM             -id-aes256-wrap            -id-smime-alg-CMS3DESwrap 
-rc2                       -rc2-40-cbc                -rc2-64-cbc               
-rc2-cbc                   -rc2-cfb                   -rc2-ecb                  
-rc2-ofb                   -rc4                       -rc4-40                   
-seed                      -seed-cbc                  -seed-cfb                 
-seed-ecb                  -seed-ofb

"man openssl" reads (excerpt)

   Encoding and Cipher Commands

       The following aliases provide convenient access to the most used encodings and ciphers.

       Depending on how OpenSSL was configured and built, not all ciphers listed here may be present.
       See enc(1) for more information and command usage.

       aes128, aes-128-cbc, aes-128-cfb, aes-128-ctr, aes-128-ecb, aes-128-ofb
           AES-128 Cipher

       aes192, aes-192-cbc, aes-192-cfb, aes-192-ctr, aes-192-ecb, aes-192-ofb
           AES-192 Cipher

       aes256, aes-256-cbc, aes-256-cfb, aes-256-ctr, aes-256-ecb, aes-256-ofb
           AES-256 Cipher

       aria128, aria-128-cbc, aria-128-cfb, aria-128-ctr, aria-128-ecb, aria-128-ofb
           Aria-128 Cipher

       aria192, aria-192-cbc, aria-192-cfb, aria-192-ctr, aria-192-ecb, aria-192-ofb
           Aria-192 Cipher

       aria256, aria-256-cbc, aria-256-cfb, aria-256-ctr, aria-256-ecb, aria-256-ofb
           Aria-256 Cipher

           Base64 Encoding

       bf, bf-cbc, bf-cfb, bf-ecb, bf-ofb
           Blowfish Cipher

       camellia128, camellia-128-cbc, camellia-128-cfb, camellia-128-ctr, camellia-128-ecb, camellia-128-ofb
           Camellia-128 Cipher

       camellia192, camellia-192-cbc, camellia-192-cfb, camellia-192-ctr, camellia-192-ecb, camellia-192-ofb
           Camellia-192 Cipher

       camellia256, camellia-256-cbc, camellia-256-cfb, camellia-256-ctr, camellia-256-ecb, camellia-256-ofb
           Camellia-256 Cipher

       cast, cast-cbc
           CAST Cipher

       cast5-cbc, cast5-cfb, cast5-ecb, cast5-ofb
           CAST5 Cipher

           Chacha20 Cipher

       des, des-cbc, des-cfb, des-ecb, des-ede, des-ede-cbc, des-ede-cfb, des-ede-ofb, des-ofb
           DES Cipher

       des3, desx, des-ede3, des-ede3-cbc, des-ede3-cfb, des-ede3-ofb
           Triple-DES Cipher

       idea, idea-cbc, idea-cfb, idea-ecb, idea-ofb
           IDEA Cipher

       rc2, rc2-cbc, rc2-cfb, rc2-ecb, rc2-ofb
           RC2 Cipher

       rc4 RC4 Cipher

       rc5, rc5-cbc, rc5-cfb, rc5-ecb, rc5-ofb
           RC5 Cipher

       seed, seed-cbc, seed-cfb, seed-ecb, seed-ofb
           SEED Cipher

       sm4, sm4-cbc, sm4-cfb, sm4-ctr, sm4-ecb, sm4-ofb
           SM4 Cipher

and "man enc" reads (excerpts)

           List all supported ciphers.



Note that some of these ciphers can be disabled at compile time and some are available
only if an appropriate engine is configured in the configuration file. The output of the enc
command run with the -ciphers option (that is openssl enc -ciphers) produces a list of ciphers,
supported by your version of OpenSSL, including ones provided by configured engines.

The enc program does not support authenticated encryption modes like CCM and GCM,
and will not support such modes in the future.
        base64             Base 64

        bf-cbc             Blowfish in CBC mode
        bf                 Alias for bf-cbc
        blowfish           Alias for bf-cbc
        bf-cfb             Blowfish in CFB mode
        bf-ecb             Blowfish in ECB mode
        bf-ofb             Blowfish in OFB mode

        cast-cbc           CAST in CBC mode
        cast               Alias for cast-cbc
        cast5-cbc          CAST5 in CBC mode
        cast5-cfb          CAST5 in CFB mode
        cast5-ecb          CAST5 in ECB mode
        cast5-ofb          CAST5 in OFB mode

        chacha20           ChaCha20 algorithm

        des-cbc            DES in CBC mode
        des                Alias for des-cbc
        des-cfb            DES in CFB mode
        des-ofb            DES in OFB mode
        des-ecb            DES in ECB mode

        des-ede-cbc        Two key triple DES EDE in CBC mode
        des-ede            Two key triple DES EDE in ECB mode
        des-ede-cfb        Two key triple DES EDE in CFB mode
        des-ede-ofb        Two key triple DES EDE in OFB mode

        des-ede3-cbc       Three key triple DES EDE in CBC mode
        des-ede3           Three key triple DES EDE in ECB mode
        des3               Alias for des-ede3-cbc
        des-ede3-cfb       Three key triple DES EDE CFB mode
        des-ede3-ofb       Three key triple DES EDE in OFB mode

        desx               DESX algorithm.

        gost89             GOST 28147-89 in CFB mode (provided by ccgost engine)
        gost89-cnt        `GOST 28147-89 in CNT mode (provided by ccgost engine)

        idea-cbc           IDEA algorithm in CBC mode
        idea               same as idea-cbc
        idea-cfb           IDEA in CFB mode
        idea-ecb           IDEA in ECB mode
        idea-ofb           IDEA in OFB mode

        rc2-cbc            128 bit RC2 in CBC mode
        rc2                Alias for rc2-cbc
        rc2-cfb            128 bit RC2 in CFB mode
        rc2-ecb            128 bit RC2 in ECB mode
        rc2-ofb            128 bit RC2 in OFB mode
        rc2-64-cbc         64 bit RC2 in CBC mode
        rc2-40-cbc         40 bit RC2 in CBC mode

        rc4                128 bit RC4
        rc4-64             64 bit RC4
        rc4-40             40 bit RC4

        rc5-cbc            RC5 cipher in CBC mode
        rc5                Alias for rc5-cbc
        rc5-cfb            RC5 cipher in CFB mode
        rc5-ecb            RC5 cipher in ECB mode
        rc5-ofb            RC5 cipher in OFB mode

        seed-cbc           SEED cipher in CBC mode
        seed               Alias for seed-cbc
        seed-cfb           SEED cipher in CFB mode
        seed-ecb           SEED cipher in ECB mode
        seed-ofb           SEED cipher in OFB mode

        sm4-cbc            SM4 cipher in CBC mode
        sm4                Alias for sm4-cbc
        sm4-cfb            SM4 cipher in CFB mode
        sm4-ctr            SM4 cipher in CTR mode
        sm4-ecb            SM4 cipher in ECB mode
        sm4-ofb            SM4 cipher in OFB mode

        aes-[128|192|256]-cbc  128/192/256 bit AES in CBC mode
        aes[128|192|256]       Alias for aes-[128|192|256]-cbc
        aes-[128|192|256]-cfb  128/192/256 bit AES in 128 bit CFB mode
        aes-[128|192|256]-cfb1 128/192/256 bit AES in 1 bit CFB mode
        aes-[128|192|256]-cfb8 128/192/256 bit AES in 8 bit CFB mode
        aes-[128|192|256]-ctr  128/192/256 bit AES in CTR mode
        aes-[128|192|256]-ecb  128/192/256 bit AES in ECB mode
        aes-[128|192|256]-ofb  128/192/256 bit AES in OFB mode

        aria-[128|192|256]-cbc  128/192/256 bit ARIA in CBC mode
        aria[128|192|256]       Alias for aria-[128|192|256]-cbc
        aria-[128|192|256]-cfb  128/192/256 bit ARIA in 128 bit CFB mode
        aria-[128|192|256]-cfb1 128/192/256 bit ARIA in 1 bit CFB mode
        aria-[128|192|256]-cfb8 128/192/256 bit ARIA in 8 bit CFB mode
        aria-[128|192|256]-ctr  128/192/256 bit ARIA in CTR mode
        aria-[128|192|256]-ecb  128/192/256 bit ARIA in ECB mode
        aria-[128|192|256]-ofb  128/192/256 bit ARIA in OFB mode

        camellia-[128|192|256]-cbc  128/192/256 bit Camellia in CBC mode
        camellia[128|192|256]       Alias for camellia-[128|192|256]-cbc
        camellia-[128|192|256]-cfb  128/192/256 bit Camellia in 128 bit CFB mode
        camellia-[128|192|256]-cfb1 128/192/256 bit Camellia in 1 bit CFB mode
        camellia-[128|192|256]-cfb8 128/192/256 bit Camellia in 8 bit CFB mode
        camellia-[128|192|256]-ctr  128/192/256 bit Camellia in CTR mode
        camellia-[128|192|256]-ecb  128/192/256 bit Camellia in ECB mode
        camellia-[128|192|256]-ofb  128/192/256 bit Camellia in OFB mode

and "openssl enc -ciphers" shows

Supported ciphers:
-aes-128-cbc               -aes-128-cfb               -aes-128-cfb1             
-aes-128-cfb8              -aes-128-ctr               -aes-128-ecb              
-aes-128-ofb               -aes-192-cbc               -aes-192-cfb              
-aes-192-cfb1              -aes-192-cfb8              -aes-192-ctr              
-aes-192-ecb               -aes-192-ofb               -aes-256-cbc              
-aes-256-cfb               -aes-256-cfb1              -aes-256-cfb8             
-aes-256-ctr               -aes-256-ecb               -aes-256-ofb              
-aes128                    -aes128-wrap               -aes192                   
-aes192-wrap               -aes256                    -aes256-wrap              
-aria-128-cbc              -aria-128-cfb              -aria-128-cfb1            
-aria-128-cfb8             -aria-128-ctr              -aria-128-ecb             
-aria-128-ofb              -aria-192-cbc              -aria-192-cfb             
-aria-192-cfb1             -aria-192-cfb8             -aria-192-ctr             
-aria-192-ecb              -aria-192-ofb              -aria-256-cbc             
-aria-256-cfb              -aria-256-cfb1             -aria-256-cfb8            
-aria-256-ctr              -aria-256-ecb              -aria-256-ofb             
-aria128                   -aria192                   -aria256                  
-bf                        -bf-cbc                    -bf-cfb                   
-bf-ecb                    -bf-ofb                    -blowfish                 
-camellia-128-cbc          -camellia-128-cfb          -camellia-128-cfb1        
-camellia-128-cfb8         -camellia-128-ctr          -camellia-128-ecb         
-camellia-128-ofb          -camellia-192-cbc          -camellia-192-cfb         
-camellia-192-cfb1         -camellia-192-cfb8         -camellia-192-ctr         
-camellia-192-ecb          -camellia-192-ofb          -camellia-256-cbc         
-camellia-256-cfb          -camellia-256-cfb1         -camellia-256-cfb8        
-camellia-256-ctr          -camellia-256-ecb          -camellia-256-ofb         
-camellia128               -camellia192               -camellia256              
-cast                      -cast-cbc                  -cast5-cbc                
-cast5-cfb                 -cast5-ecb                 -cast5-ofb                
-chacha20                  -des                       -des-cbc                  
-des-cfb                   -des-cfb1                  -des-cfb8                 
-des-ecb                   -des-ede                   -des-ede-cbc              
-des-ede-cfb               -des-ede-ecb               -des-ede-ofb              
-des-ede3                  -des-ede3-cbc              -des-ede3-cfb             
-des-ede3-cfb1             -des-ede3-cfb8             -des-ede3-ecb             
-des-ede3-ofb              -des-ofb                   -des3                     
-des3-wrap                 -desx                      -desx-cbc                 
-id-aes128-wrap            -id-aes128-wrap-pad        -id-aes192-wrap           
-id-aes192-wrap-pad        -id-aes256-wrap            -id-aes256-wrap-pad       
-id-smime-alg-CMS3DESwrap  -rc2                       -rc2-128                  
-rc2-40                    -rc2-40-cbc                -rc2-64                   
-rc2-64-cbc                -rc2-cbc                   -rc2-cfb                  
-rc2-ecb                   -rc2-ofb                   -rc4                      
-rc4-40                    -seed                      -seed-cbc                 
-seed-cfb                  -seed-ecb                  -seed-ofb                 
-sm4                       -sm4-cbc                   -sm4-cfb                  
-sm4-ctr                   -sm4-ecb                   -sm4-ofb

github-actions commented at 2022-01-22 02:08:

Stale issue message

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