#2834 PR merged
: Add yes to REQUIRED_PROGS¶
Labels: bug
, fixed / solved / done
pcahyna opened issue at 2022-07-01 20:32:¶
Pull Request Details:¶
Type: Bug Fix
Impact: High
Reference to related issue (URL):
#2827 -
How was this pull request tested?
Created LVM on an empty disk (mpatha
) and mounted it
parted --script -a optimal /dev/mapper/mpatha -- mklabel gpt mkpart extra ext2 1M -1M set 1 lvm on
pvcreate --yes /dev/mapper/mpatha1
vgcreate sigvg /dev/mapper/mpatha1
lvcreate -y -n sig_lv sigvg -L 1G
mkfs.xfs /dev/sigvg/sig_lv
mkdir /home/foo
echo "/dev/sigvg/sig_lv /home/foo xfs defaults 0 0" >> /etc/fstab
mount /home/foo
ran rear mkbackup
and then filled the disk with signatures
EXTRAFS=( $(lsblk -ln -o mountpoint $EXTRADISK) )
for f in "${EXTRAFS[@]}"; do
umount $f
EXTRADEVS=( $(lsblk -lnp -o name $EXTRADISK | tac) )
for d in "${EXTRADEVS[@]}"; do
EXTRATYPE=$(lsblk -ln -o type "$d")
if [ lvm == "$EXTRATYPE" ]; then
wipefs -a $d
lvremove -y $d
lvcreate -y sigvg -n xfsloglv -l 100%FREE
dd if=/dev/zero of=$LOOPFILE bs=100M count=10
LOOPDEV=$(losetup -f)
losetup -f $LOOPFILE
MKFSOUT=$(mkfs.xfs -l logdev=/dev/sigvg/xfsloglv,size=2048b "$LOOPDEV")
losetup -d $LOOPDEV
BSIZE=$(echo $MKFSOUT | sed "s/.*\/dev\/sigvg\/xfsloglv bsize=\([^ ]*\)[ ]*.*/\1/")
dd if=/dev/sigvg/xfsloglv of=/dev/sigvg/xfsloglv bs=$BSIZE seek=1
lvremove -y /dev/sigvg/xfsloglv
vgremove -y /dev/sigvg
pvremove -y $EXTRADISK
and restored from the backup in migration mode
- Brief description of the changes in this pull request:
Since PR #2827 we have been piping the output ofyes
, butyes
has not been added to the rescue system. Fix that.
(We could have added it toREQUIRED_PROGS
only if lvm is present, but let's not complicate it and add it always.)
pcahyna commented at 2022-07-01 20:36:¶
jsmeix commented at 2022-07-04 08:11:¶
It is perfectly right to have 'yes' in any case in the recovery system
because it should always be possible for the user to do things like
manually in the recovery system
or manually edit commands in diskrestore.sh this way.
Cf. the section "It should be possible to run ReaR unattended" in
but I didn't do proper tests how far it is actually possible
to run ReaR unattended with our current code.
pcahyna commented at 2022-07-04 09:39:¶
It is perfectly right to have 'yes' in any case in the recovery system because it should always be possible for the user to do things like
manually in the recovery system or manually edit diskrestore.sh this way.
I agree. The only question is whether it should be in PROGS
in case there is nothing to require it, but hopefully
systems without yes
will be hard to encounter and thus the difference
would not matter in practice.
but I didn't do proper tests how far it is actually possible
to run ReaR unattended with our current code.
It is definitely possible. Virtually all my restore tests are run this way.
jsmeix commented at 2022-07-04 10:28:¶
REQUIRED_PROGS is the exact right one according to
"Try hard to care about possible errors" in
In case of errors better abort than to blindly proceed.
I fear we have many programs in PROGS
where we do not have appropriate checks in our code
that error out when a program is actually needed but not there.
[Export of Github issue for rear/rear.]