#3067 Issue open
: Trying to build rescue ISO for Bacula backup¶
Labels: support / question
ZENAdmin-Ops opened issue at 2023-11-06 05:44:¶
ReaR version ("/usr/sbin/rear -V"): 2.7
If your ReaR version is not the current version, explain why you can't upgrade:
OS version ("cat /etc/os-release" or "lsb_release -a" or "cat /etc/rear/os.conf"): Debian 11
ReaR configuration files ("cat /etc/rear/site.conf" and/or "cat /etc/rear/local.conf"):
Hardware vendor/product (PC or PowerNV BareMetal or ARM) or VM (KVM guest or PowerVM LPAR): Hyper-V VM
Description of the issue (ideally so that others can reproduce it):
Attempting to create a ReaR recovery environment to perform a restore using Bacula
Latest output from sudo rear mkrescue -v
2023-11-05 12:25:07.005672167 Including prep/BACULA/default/450_check_BACULA_client_configured.sh
2023-11-05 12:25:07.008836829 Including prep/default/490_store_write_protect_settings.sh
2023-11-05 12:25:07.011793294 Including prep/GNU/Linux/500_EFISTUB_check_kernel.sh
2023-11-05 12:25:07.015053855 Including prep/BACULA/default/500_check_BACULA_bconsole_results.sh
2023-11-05 12:25:07.029257686 ERROR: Bacula director debian11-DR6 is not responding.
===== Stack trace =====
Trace 0: /usr/sbin/rear:696 main
Trace 1: /usr/share/rear/lib/mkrescue-workflow.sh:12 WORKFLOW_mkrescue
Trace 2: /usr/share/rear/lib/framework-functions.sh:129 SourceStage
Trace 3: /usr/share/rear/lib/framework-functions.sh:59 Source
Trace 4: /usr/share/rear/prep/BACULA/default/500_check_BACULA_bconsole_results.sh:21 source
I think this is likely to be a configuration error as this system has Bacula installed and operational.
After troubleshooting suggestions.
Thank you.
ZENAdmin-Ops commented at 2023-11-06 05:50:¶
Possibly the issue might be that I need to define a 'client' that the ReaR recovery environment will use when performing the restore.
I must admit that I'm not entirely clear on this aspect of the configuration at present.
ZENAdmin-Ops commented at 2023-11-07 23:12:¶
I've attempted some troubleshooting and this error appears to be a bug
sudo rear mkrescue -v
Relax-and-Recover 2.7 / 2022-07-13
Running rear mkrescue (PID 405169 date 2023-11-08 10:07:54)
Using log file: /var/log/rear/rear-debian11-DR6.log
Running workflow mkrescue on the normal/original system
Using UEFI Boot Loader for Linux (USING_UEFI_BOOTLOADER=1)
Using autodetected kernel '/boot/vmlinuz-5.10.0-26-amd64' as kernel in the recovery system
ERROR: Bacula director debian11-DR6 is not responding.
2023-11-08 10:07:55.104444475 Including prep/BACULA/default/500_check_BACULA_bconsole_results.sh
2023-11-08 10:07:55.134400311 ERROR: Bacula director debian11-DR6 is not responding.
Here is the relevant code
# is the director server present? Fetch from $BACULA_CONF_DIR/bconsole.conf file
BACULA_DIRECTOR=$(grep -i address $BACULA_CONF_DIR/bconsole.conf | awk '{ print $3 }')
[ "${BACULA_DIRECTOR}" ] || Error "Director not defined in $BACULA_CONF_DIR/bconsole.conf"
# check if the director is responding?
if has_binary nc; then
DIRECTOR_RESULT=$(nc -vz "${BACULA_DIRECTOR}" 9101 2>&1 | grep -i connected | wc -l)
[[ $DIRECTOR_RESULT -eq 0 ]] && Error "Bacula director ${BACULA_DIRECTOR} is not responding."
# does the director allow connections from this client? bconsole knows!
# We want these two lines to show that we can connect to the director
# and that the director can connect to the file daemon on this system.
# "Connecting to Director 'director_name-fd:9101'"
# "Connecting to Client 'bacula_client_name-fd at FQDN:9102"
BACULA_CLIENT=$(grep $(hostname -s) $BACULA_CONF_DIR/bacula-fd.conf | grep "\-fd" | awk '{print $3}' | sed -e "s/-fd//g")
[ "${BACULA_CLIENT}" ] || Error "Client $(hostname -s) not defined in $BACULA_CONF_DIR/bacula-fd.conf"
BACULA_RESULT=( $(echo -e " status client=${BACULA_CLIENT}-fd" | bconsole | grep Connect) )
Here is the address from bconsole.conf
address = debian11-DR6
Here is the output from the nc command
nc -vz debian11-dr6 9101
debian11-DR6.zen.local [] 9101 (bacula-dir) opensudo
gdha commented at 2023-11-08 06:21:¶
What is the return code of the command:
nc -vz debian11-dr6 9101
debian11-DR6.zen.local [] 9101 (bacula-dir) opensudo
Perhaps, we could use this instead of looking for "connected"?
ZENAdmin-Ops commented at 2023-11-08 21:33:¶
Can you check the syntax of the 2nd line
nc -vz debian11-dr6 9101
debian11-DR6.zen.local [] 9101 (bacula-dir) open
zen@debian11-DR6:~$ debian11-DR6.zen.local [] 9101 (bacula-dir) opensudo
bash: syntax error near unexpected token `('
gdha commented at 2023-11-09 07:06:¶
@ZENAdmin-Ops What you need to do is:
$ nc -vz debian11-dr6 9101 debian11-DR6.zen.local [] 9101 (bacula-dir) open
echo $?
ZENAdmin-Ops commented at 2023-11-09 09:23:¶
nc -vz debian11-dr6 9101
debian11-DR6.zen.local [] 9101 (bacula-dir) open
zen@debian11-DR6:~$ echo $?
pcahyna commented at 2023-11-16 18:17:¶
Hi, is the check using "nc" even needed? Isn't the subsequent check
using bconsole
pcahyna commented at 2023-11-16 18:20:¶
I mean, doesn't answering the latter question
# does the director allow connections from this client? bconsole knows!
also implicitly answer the question
# check if the director is responding?
above it? presumably, if the director allow connections from this client, it is also responding.
[Export of Github issue for rear/rear.]