#3106 Issue closed: ReaR source based Installation and RPM based Installation has inconsistency

Labels: support / question, fixed / solved / done, not ReaR / invalid

ramzcode opened issue at 2023-12-12 08:42:

ReaR version 2.7.

RPM Source:https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/Archiving:/Backup:/Rear/RHEL_7/x86_64/

Build: From Github

Both types has different behavior's of execution and errors.
Build from source code has an error
ERROR: Syntax error: Variable FULLBACKUPDAY not assigned as Bash array in /etc/rear/local_i.conf:

But the same works in a RPM based installation.

Is this behavior expected ??

jsmeix commented at 2023-12-12 10:04:

See default.conf how to specify FULLBACKUPDAY
and see init/default/001_verify_config_arrays.sh
therein the listed issues why that check is there.

We neither have a /etc/rear/local_i.conf file
in our GitHub sources, cf.
nor do we specify FULLBACKUPDAY in our

ramzcode commented at 2023-12-12 12:53:

@jsmeix The prob is we need to use FULLBACKUPDAY=(date +%a) for the built from source and just FULLBACKUPDAY=date +%a for the RPM deployment. Why is that ?

Does the default files has one and another don't have the array ?
And this the default behavior. Ignore the conf file, it is a custom file that we created along with local.conf.

[Export of Github issue for rear/rear.]