#3216 PR merged: enable default ramdisk if not set to satisfy Veeam 12.1 requirements

idna38 opened issue at 2024-05-03 13:49:

Closes #3213

Relax-and-Recover (ReaR) Pull Request Template

Please fill in the following items before submitting a new pull request:

Pull Request Details:
  • Type: Enhancement

  • Impact: Normal

  • How was this pull request tested?
    Manually on RHEL8. Tests with other distributions will follow.

  • Description of the changes in this pull request:
    enable default ramdisk if not set to satisfy Veeam 12.1ff requirements to check for sufficient free disk space

idna38 commented at 2024-05-03 19:38:

The code has now been tested successful on all VEEAM supported linux distributions:
RHEL 9.x
RHEL 8.x
Debian 10.13
Debian 11.9
Debian 12.5
Ubuntu 18.04
Ubuntu 20.04
Ubuntu 22.04

Thanks for support ;)

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