#658 Issue closed: rear-1.17.2.tar.gz are different on sourceforge versus OBS

Labels: cleanup, fixed / solved / done

jsmeix opened issue at 2015-09-23 13:14:

When downloading rear-1.17.2.tar.gz from "the Sourceforge Downloads page" at http://relax-and-recover.org/download/ I get

310548 bytes rear-1.17.2.tar.gz

In contrast in OBS Archiving:Backup:Rear rear-1.17.2 there is

310392 bytes rear-1.17.2.tar.gz

Which one is the right one?

A diff between both shows that those files differ:


gdha commented at 2015-10-02 10:13:

The OBS one was the latest stable uploaded and therefore the correct one. I've uploaded the OBS tar ball to Sourceforge.

[Export of Github issue for rear/rear.]